Technical Implementation

The documents in this edition are annotated to provide contextual information in a number of ways. Firstly, the names of persons and organisations are linked to the EHRI portal´s authority sets (EHRI Personalities and EHRI Corporate Bodies). Secondly, the names of ghettos and concentration camps are linked to the relevant EHRI vocabularies. Thirdly, the edition makes extensive use of the EHRI Terms vocabulary. In addition, geographical locations are annotated with a link to the corresponding entry in Geonames or Wikipedia. The described tools allow the reader to use the linked topics and names as access points to the edition and to explore further related documents in the EHRI portal. Finally, the edition includes a local dictionary consisting of over 140 newly written short explanatory notes on persons, organisations and places to provide further context for the reader.

The edition provides a transcription or translation into English of each document, accompanied by a facsimile reproduction. The texts are encoded in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5 standard in accordance with the EHRI documentation for digital editions. The facsimile accompanying each document allows the reader to consult the original documents to gain an insight into their original form, while the transcriptions focus on the text. Typographical errors have been corrected in the transcriptions unless they were considered of interest to the reader. Correspondence between Wiesenthal and a private person has been published as a single document.

The online edition was created using the tools provided by EHRI for digital editions. Annotations were first made in standard word processors and then transformed into linked XML documents using the Odette tool. External information was imported into the XML files using the EHRI TEI header data tool. The information contained in the local dictionary entries was converted into XML format using a Python script. Further XML modelling was carried out in the XML editor Oxygen.